Corner House nurtures all children to value a Christian foundation of love for Jesus, love of others and biblical spirit for leading others to Christ.
“And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isaiah 54:13
Children and Youth Ministries
Sunday Morning Worship
We have exciting, interactive curriculum. All children are welcome to join us and learn together with Jesus.
Please complete a registration form and return to your child’s teacher, so we are aware of any allergies or concerns regarding your child.
Thank you for helping us make our children’s worship service safe, fun and a great learning experience.
Select PDF below for Summer program details
Select PDF below for required permission slip
Children's Schedule
Kindergarten to 6th Grade
We ask if any children under 7 are participating that they be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Sunday 1st, 8p
Movie Night featuring "Paw Patrol - The Movie"
Bring a blanket, snacks, and friends!
Wednesday 25th, 5-7p
Refuel Kickoff - Food, games, and activities
Then every Wednesday night until Spring, dinner and classes for all ages. ​(even your parents)​
Sunday 7th, 4-6p
Intergenerational Dinner hosted by the children and teens Food, games, and activities
Youth Schedule ​
Sunday 1st, 8p
Outdoor Movie Night featuring "Let There Be Light" for the whole family!
Bring a blanket, lawn chair, snacks, and friends.
Wednesday 25th, 5-7p
Refuel Kickoff
Food, games, and activities
Then every Wednesday night until Spring, dinner and classes for all ages. ​(even your parents)​
Sunday 7th, 4-6p
Intergenerational Dinner hosted by the children and teens
Food, games, and activities